River Spirits

Title: River Spirits: A Collection of Lumbee Writings
Editor: Stanley Knick
Pages: 176
Dimensions: 9'' x 7.25''
How may we know what is meaningful in a culture? What is it that makes one culture distinct from another? In what ways is a culture similar to all other cultures? One way to approach answering these questions is to look at a collection of writings from the culture - by allowing poets, dramatists and storytellers to be representative voices of that culture.

Several of the stories are obviously true. Some of them probably have some fiction in them. There is humor. There is pain. There is love. There is faith. There is patriotism. There is anger. There is hope. There is pride. There is a deep sense of the past. There is a piercing sense of the present. There is an earnest sense of the future.

Collections: Books

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